Go Wild Guide Golden Eagle - Picture Courtesy of Craig Churchill - www.craigchurchill.co.uk
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Enjoy 4 to 14 days aboard one of our four small cruise ships catering for a max. of 12 guests. Most cruises begin in Oban and we travel the Hebrides out to St Kilda and north to Sula Sgeir and North Rona; the Shetland and Orkney islands; Faroes, Iceland and Norway. Amazing wildlife, breath-taking landscapes, photographic opportunities. Staying on a liveaboard greatly increases your likelihood of wildlife encounters and these can go on for hours as we don`t have to rush back to our home port each day. Guides (human and/or paper) to help you ID sightings. Great food and helpful crews. Walks planned each day. Relaxed, informal and friendly. A variety of cruises from April to November. See website for listings or call for colour brochure.
  • Golden & sea eagles, puffins, petrels + many more
  • Whales, dolphins, basking shark, orca, porpoise
  • St Kilda our speciality + Hebrides/Arctic Voyages