Go Wild Guide Golden Eagle - Picture Courtesy of Craig Churchill - www.craigchurchill.co.uk
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Minsmere is one of the RSPB`s most famous nature reserves. It has been an RSPB reserve for over 50 years and pioneered the use of observation hides and management of wetland areas to enable visitors to see a sample of the huge range of birds that pass along the Suffolk coast. If you`d like to see avocets, marsh harriers and bitterns, Minsmere is the place to visit in spring and summer. In winter, the shallow lagoons attract many wading birds and waterfowl including black-tailed godwits, wigeons, teals and Bewick`s swans. The spring and autumn migration seasons are exciting times to visit the reserve. `Images courtesy of RSPB Images
  • Guided walks for all abilities
  • Wildlife events for all the family
  • Bitterns - Marsh Harriers - Bearded tit - Avocets